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Upland CERT

Experience Upland CERT

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The Mission of UCERT is to: "Help Upland's residents to be prepared to respond to multi-hazard incidents by forming neighborhood response teams that can plan for, respond to, mitigate and recover from emergency incidents until Upland's Emergency Services can respond." 

UCERT will form a response organization that Upland, Upland Police Department (UPD) and San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCFD) can rely on, when activated, to perform response tasks that allow the Emergency Services personnel to respond to higher priority tasks. UCERT will plan and deliver emergency preparedness education and community outreach programs. 

About Community Emergency Response Teams


The Community Emergency Response Team Program's concept was developed and implemented by the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in 1985. The 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake underscored the area-wide threat of a major disaster in California. Further, it confirmed the need for training civilians to meet their immediate needs. As a result, the LAFD created this program to train citizens as well as private and government employees. 

In addition, Upland CERT is available to help City departments with non-emergency programs and services. Upland CERT has provided trained personnel to assist with programs like the Lemon Festival, the Tour de Foothills cycling events, Fourth of July celebrations, 5-K runs and Police and Fire Open Houses. 

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History of Upland CERT


Upland CERT was founded in 2011 and taught its first class in 2012. To date, over 500 residents have been trained in the CERT program. Upland CERT is affiliated with the Upland Police Department and Sergeant Williams, Traffic Supervisor, serves as the liaison with that department. 


With the assistance of two San Bernardino County Districts, Upland CERT was able to purchase a CERT trailer which is used for training and can be towed to disaster sites to serve as the Operations and Logistics center. The trailer is equipped with emergency medical and rescue supplies. 


Upland CERT is a non-funded program and has raised its operational funds through the hard work of its members. Upland CERT is part of the Upland Community Foundation which provides our 501-c-3 status and provides our banking services. 

"Great things are done by a series

of small things brought together"

Vincent Van Gogh

Contact Upland CERT

Upland CERT

Attention: Diana Vasquez
1499 W. 13th Street
Upland, CA 91786

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